Germany: Grappling with the Euro, and with Its Own Complicated History
The mayor talked to various people concerned with the failure of the euro in order to get the story. This involved individuals with higher titles, as well as people from the local city that are considered everyday business people. The information seemed to vary, as the mayor approached different people. Some people suggested that Germany needed to focus on the future and forget the past. While others stated the past is just as important as the future. This is a tough call from both positions.
This article helped to update those using or interested in the euro about what was going on. It gave insight on what could happen and what might not happen. This article made everyone aware of the current situation in the global market of the euro. Since it will be affecting the United States, it was nice to be informed on what will be happening. It appeared that the mayor had spent a long time preparing for this article. She interviewed over seven different high ranking officials and other business owners. This had to have taken awhile with apparent scheduling conflicts.
In the article, there is a reference to World War II comparing the crisis we went through to the crisis we are going to have with the euro. It was a very powerful statement. If this is accurate, then action needs to be taken. Those words may have an immediate reaction once the realization of what is happening becomes a reality. This reaction is shown by Jürgen Stark, Germany's top representative at the bank, as he resigned due to fear. The Chancellor of Germany Angela stated, "The euro is much, much more than a currency. The euro is the guarantee of a united Europe. If the euro fails, then Europe fails." Germany is currently faced with making huge decisions that could potentially hurt their nation along with many others.
Germany has not been given much choice with decisions concerning the euro. They are currently sitting at a 7 % unemployment rate. Economic growth is and has been at a standstill while accruing government debt. The article stated, “Parliament will vote on expanding the bailout fund, raising Germany's contribution from $168 billion to $287 billion, almost half the total.” That is an enormous jump for this already suffering nation. It is important to readers that they are receiving accurate information. Since the mayor had people of interest in this article, it made it so much more believable. The opinions of the people in the banking and government industries are the exact opinions the mayor needed to write this article. The mayor had a well rounded voice concerning this article through her interviewees.
The mayor also chose to select a curtain opinioned businesses owner. Uli states, "I'm fed up with working hard so the Greeks can sit in cafes and drink coffee with brandy all day." The common attitude Germans have toward Greeks is not good. The general assumption is that Greeks are party people that spend money and do not pay back the Germans make on a regular basis. This was also a common theme in the article. Seeing both aspects of workers is a plus. It makes the article more dynamic. This makes it a two sided story, as opposed to just a governmental view of the economic crisis at hand.
This story is a combination of soft and hard news. The economic crisis of the euro is extremely important, but it is not breaking news. I believe if you are affected by the euro, then you should know what is going on with it and how you will be affected directly. As a citizen, it is your responsibility to be aware of the situation. The mayor is writing this article for awareness and out of concern. I believe she is very factual and can be considered objective. The mayor expresses her opinions throughout the entire article that is backed by opinions of others and the facts concerning the euro’s behavior. She comes across as worried and yet her opinion is stated very professional.
In our books, Murray describes the craft of a writer. He states that being a good reporter is being able to catch the unspoken elements that make a good story. This can be considered the “craft.” I believe the craft in reporting is taking the logistics of a story and creating an angle that has yet to be done and writing an awesome article. Writers create art through their words by telling a story. A craft is an activity to create something from various pieces, but art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination. In my career, my ambition is to be creative. I feel that is the key to an great writer. There are tons of Communications Majors these days. Employers are looking for the ones with the creative edge. The craft of reporting and writing go hand in hand. I believe Murray suggests looking outside of the box and being creative in both areas. I completely agree.